Confessions of a Laid-off Lawyer

Just Your Average Joe Blogging Away His Debt—In One Year or Less

Archive for February 26th, 2010

Fight, Flight, or Freeze

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Total Black: $521.48
Total Red: $227,180.54

In Financial Neighborhoods, I mentioned how the authors of Mind Over Money referenced the instinctual responses to perilous situations as fight, flight, or freeze.  I had never heard “freeze” included when referencing the fight-or-flight response.  It’s absence, now that I’ve noticed it, is a clear oversight on the part of psychologists.  The authors of Mind Over Money cite the triple-F response mechanism because that response is often triggered in times of financial difficulties or when we face financial struggles.  It seems asinine to imagine a primal response to something so contemporary as managing finances, but it happens.  Quite often.  To me as well. Keep reading . . .