Confessions of a Laid-off Lawyer

Just Your Average Joe Blogging Away His Debt—In One Year or Less

Be It Resolved

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Total Black: $953.75
Total Red: $230,715.3

In consideration of the end of the year two-thousand-and-nine; and because this blog has brought untold rewards, insights, and guidance to myself and possibly some of its readers; and since the eve of a new year has for ages been a time to set a new course and renew one’s commitment to future goals and dreams; witnesseth, then, by these remarks, that it is, and shall be, hereby, RESOLVED, that:

The year two-thousand-and-ten shall:

  1. Be the year I eliminate my debt, by August 9th, 2010, if not sooner;
  2. Bring myself and all who read these pages, riches beyond compare;
  3. Grant me unimaginable success in my career;
  4. Introduce me to my life-partner; and
  5. Bestow blessings and all good things, including a long healthy life and much happiness upon myself and those who read theses pages.

Wherefore, I, Laid-off Lawyer, in consideration of my time, the only true gift we can give, hereby submit these resolutions.  May the new year grant you all the joy, peace, and blessings you deserve.  May you find your true calling, if you haven’t yet.  May you find your true love, if you haven’t yet.  And may you enjoy a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year.

Written by Laid-off Lawyer

December 31, 2009 at 22:14

One Response

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  1. Great goals! I hope you can accomplish all of them. Keep up the good work!!


    January 1, 2010 at 22:29

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